Shelf companies
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Shelf Companies
From US$220.00
We will prepare all related documents such as share transfer certificates and share certificates.
Available shelf companies
- Authorwealth
- Beautysphere
- Befund
- Blindlaw Investments
- Cellray Investments
- Concept Square
- Crowncast
- Decatronics
- Endura Enterprises
- Everthics
- Figureitout
- Finafin Finance
- Fitcore Investments
- Fundicore
- Futuretourque
- Gainscape
- Globus Orion
- Hillhive
- Ideas Avenue
- Ideas That Win
- Investite
- Kavava Incorporated
- Kidman Glass
- Kukera Incorporated
- Letloose Investments
- Limeline Enterprises
- Maxtivity Solutions
- Neogin Investments
- Oath of Silence
- Openstore
- Orenzo Holdings
- Perpetrade
- Pleasant Trees
- Primepride
- Pureshare Investments
- Retrosort
- Rosehead Ventures
- Scalestrive
- Sealoud Investments
- Secure Rank Investments
- Spine Ventures
- Standout Functions
- Stepsure Incorporated
- Stokfera Investments
- Stokvel Incorporated
- Stronghand Ventures
- Surebouy
- Trancamp Investments
- Torque To You
- Vinero Company
- Wawana Incorporated
- Workmen Construction
- Draw Point Mining
- Letpro Investments
- Hayglue Investments
- Microlux Investments
Buy a shelf company
Call, text or WhatsApp on +263 715 142 498 or +263 (0242) 709 883 to place your order.
From US$260.00
What’s included?
- All company registration documents i.e. Certificate of incorporation, C.R. 5 (Former C.R. 6) – list of company addresses, C.R. 6 (Former C.R. 14) – list of company directors, secretary(s) and principal officer and Memorandum & Articles of Association;
- Share transfer certificates;
- Share certificates:
- Company registers i.e. register of members, register of directors, register of company secretary(s) and register of addresses.

Frequently asked questions
What is a shelf company?
A shelf company is a company that has been legally registered but is not active and it has not traded and hold no assets and has no liabilities. Shelf companies are largely registered for future disposal to individuals who want to avoid the sometimes rigorous process of registering a company.
What company type is your shelf companies?
Our shelf companies are Private Limited Companies (PLC’s). Private Limited Companies are remarkably popular because they allow the sharing of profits amongst the company’s shareholders whilst also offering restricted financial liability. The shareholders are only responsible for debts incurred by the company up to the value of the shares they hold in the company. So their personal assets will be protected, should the registered company encounter any financial difficulties
Why should I buy a shelf company?
- It saves time involving effectuating the procedure of creating a new company.
- It presents corporate history which creates credibility for investors and clients.
- It offers the opportunity to be able to bid for contracts. Some contracts require that a company be in business for a certain length of time to be considered.
- It enables an easier access to corporate credit.
How do I register a shelf company?
You do not have to go through the shelf company registration process. A shelf company is an already registered company. To acquire one just call, text, WhatsApp us on +263 715 142 498 or call +263 (0242) 709 883.
How much is a shelf company?
Our shelf company costs from US$220.00.
Are there any hidden costs?
The price you see quoted above or the one you are quoted depending on the shelf company you choose is exactly the price you will pay.
Companies Registry charges for change of company address and change of company directors and secretaries have been included in our price.
All of the items included are a one-off payment, with no need for renewal.
What documents do I receive once I purchase a shelf company?
You will receive:
- Certificate of incorporation
- Updated CR 5 (former CR 6) – list of company addresses
- Updated CR 6 (former CR 6) – list of company directors and secretary(s)
- Share transfer certificates
- Share certificates
- Memorandum and articles of association
- Company registers.
What information do I provide to buy a shelf company?
- The new director’s personal information i.e. name(s) & surnames as shown on their government issued identity documents, I.D. numbers and addresses
- The company’s new addresses i.e. physical address, postal address and email address.
- The shareholders name(s), I.D Number/Passport number and addresses.
When will my shelf company be ready?
It will take up to 24 working hours to prepare all the necessary documents.
What else do I need?
You will also need a tax clearance and a bank account. We charge US$45.00 for a tax clearance and a FREE bank advice note and CR 2 to assist you to open a bank account.
I purchased a shelf company from Zimbabwe Companies Registry. It was affordable and had no hidden costs. I received my company documents at the specified time with no challenges whatsoever. Thumbs up ZCR!!!
Sean SaurombePACKAGES
Zimbabwe Companies Registry website is owned by Companies Made Easy a Numeri Inc company a company registered in Zimbabwe at Pockets Building, 50 Jason Moyo Avenue, 2nd Floor, Room 208 & 209, Harare, Harare, Zimbabwe. Companies Made Eas offers company registration and related services in Zimbabwe.
Tel: +263 (0242) 753 168
Mob: +263 715 142 498
Mob: +263 786 580 543
Company No: 15985/2019
BP No: 185 8695 41
Copyright 2023 © Numeri Inc.

We are a registered company registration agent with the Deeds, Companies & Intellectual Property (DCIP) which registers company registration agents in Zimbabwe.
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